music releases studio about


ok, its already november. two pieces of news. first, i'm playing a show with prhizzm and b kawula at the alex p keaton in london again on saturday december 8. second, i'm slowly but surely getting back into the studio. thus far the product seems to be bleepy electro/techno as opposed to the more synthesizer pop tracks on madingley. the picture is a mosaic of photos i took of my studio a year ago, painstakingly stitched together by a tbeals79 from em411.

09.2006 10.2006 11.2006 12.2006 01.2007 04.2007 07.2007 11.2007

about me:
i live in toronto, canada. i make electronic music. i really like analogue synthesizers and drum machines. i have a myspace page, where you can listen to some of my music.

you can email me at 'jeff [at] minisystem dot ca'